Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...
In a significant move to bolster its fight against the Al Shabaab militia, Kenya is scaling up its security measures in the North Eastern region. Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki announced on Thursday that security agencies in the region will receive well-equipped machinery to enhance their capabilities in combating the terrorist group.
The State has procured a substantial amount of mobility equipment, including Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) and Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAPs), to be distributed among security officers stationed in Wajir, Garissa, Mandera, and other areas facing the Al Shabaab threat. The move reflects the government's commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the North Eastern, Upper Eastern, and Upper Coastal Regions, fostering an environment conducive to development and investment.
The initiative includes the recruitment and training of additional Kenya Police Reservists to supplement the efforts of multi-agency security officers. This strategic reinforcement aims to combat financiers, planners, and orchestrators of terror attacks in the region.
The government had previously pledged a substantial investment of Ksh20 billion ($138 million) for the modernization of police equipment to combat terror and banditry. In May of the previous year, CS Kindiki announced the allocation of an additional Ksh37 billion ($255.2 million) to further upgrade security equipment.
The first batch of equipment, including personal protective gear, is set to be distributed next week, with subsequent deliveries expected in the coming months. The comprehensive plan encompasses drones, modern surveillance equipment, as well as weapons, helicopters, and other aerial mobility resources.
Notably, this initiative follows the government's consistent efforts to protect police officers by ensuring they are well-equipped. Previous procurements, such as Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) in 2020, faced challenges due to mechanical breakdowns and attacks by militants.
CS Kindiki, while in Wajir, issued a stern warning to those involved in contraband trade, narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, banditry, and cattle rustling. The government is determined to address these issues ruthlessly, underscoring its commitment to creating a safe and secure environment for local and external investment.
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