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Soomaaliya & Imaaraadka oo Xoojiyay Xiriirka Dibloomaasiyadeed: Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Imaaraadka Abu Dhabi

  Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, ayaa kulan muhiim ah la yeeshay Madaxweynaha Imaaraadka Carabta, HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, intii uu ku sugnaa booqashadiisa shaqo ee Imaaraadka. Kulanka oo ka dhacay Qasr Al Bateen, ayaa diiradda lagu saaray xoojinta xiriirka labada dal, kor u qaadista iskaashiga, iyo sidii loo horumarin lahaa xasilloonida iyo horumarka Soomaaliya. Xoojinta Iskaashiga Labada Dal Labada hoggaamiye ayaa caddeeyay sida ay uga go’an tahay xoojinta xiriirka walaaltinimo ee Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka, iyagoo ka wada hadlay iskaashi dhinacyo kala duwan leh sida amniga, ganacsiga, iyo horumarka. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa uga mahadceliyay Imaaraadka taageeradooda joogtada ah ee ku aaddan kobcinta dhaqaalaha, amniga, iyo horumarka Soomaaliya. Wuxuu sidoo kale xusay kaalinta muhiimka ah ee Imaaraadka ay ka qaadanayaan dib-u-dhiska dalka, gaar ahaan dhismaha kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha iyo horumarinta awoodda shaqaalaha. Doorka Imaaraa...

Tensions Escalate as Somali Civil Aviation Official Murdered Amidst Airspace Disputes

In a disturbing turn of events, the Somali police have arrested six individuals linked to the killing of Abdinasir Muse Abdirahman, a 32-year-old employee of the Somali Civil Aviation Authority. Abdirahman's lifeless body was discovered at his residence in El-Qalow village, Wadajir district, Mogadishu, on Sunday evening.

Hailing from Gebiley town in northern Somalia, Abdirahman had recently returned from studying abroad and had previously worked with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) staff in Hargeisa. The motive behind his tragic killing remains unclear, and no group has claimed responsibility.

This incident comes at a time when tensions between the federal government of Somalia and the breakaway region of Somaliland are reaching a critical point, primarily revolving around control of the country's airspace. The situation intensified following a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland leader Muse Bihi Abdi, exacerbating the already strained relations.

Omar Sayid Abdulla, the director of the Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (SL-CAAA), announced the swift assessment of individuals from Somaliland currently employed by the federal government of Somalia, highlighting the complex interplay between regional and federal authorities in the aviation sector.

The diplomatic disputes escalated last month when Somalia's Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) denied airspace to an unscheduled Ethiopian Airlines flight, carrying senior Ethiopian officials to Somaliland. The incident underscored the deep-rooted disagreements between Somalia and Ethiopia, with Somalia's president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, accusing Ethiopia of attempting to annex part of Somalia's territory.

President Mohamud, addressing reporters in Addis Ababa, expressed strong objections to the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland, signed on Jan. 1. He asserted that the deal amounted to "annexing part of Somalia to Ethiopia" and altering Somalia's borders, further fueling the diplomatic tensions in the region.

As investigations into the tragic death of Abdinasir Muse Abdirahman unfold, the incident adds another layer of complexity to the already intricate web of political and diplomatic challenges facing Somalia and its neighboring regions. The situation underscores the urgency for constructive dialogue to address the underlying issues and work towards regional stability.


Maant iyo Soomaaliya

Xamsa waxa uu shaaca ka qaaday qorshayaasha dawladiisa.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamze Cabdi Barre ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in maamulkiisu uu xoogga saari doono arrimaha sida tooska ah u taabanaya shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Mudane Xamza ayaa sheegay in waxa ugu horreeya ee ay xoogga saarayaan ay tahay xasilooni siyaasadeed si loo gaaro dib u heshiisiin bulsho, waxaana uu intaa ku daray in ay ku dadaalayaan sidii meesha looga saari lahaa khilaafka u dhaxeeya madaxda dowladda dhexe iyo kuwa maamul goboleedyada dalka. Xamza Cabdi Barre, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Hadafka ugu horreeya waa in la dejiyo istaraatiijiyad adag oo kobcisa kalsoonida madaxda dowladda dhexe iyo dowlad goboleedyada si loo helo hoggaamiye isku kalsoon. Meesha labaad ee ay xoogga saari lahaayeen, sida uu sheegay ra’iisul wasaaraha, waa amniga. Waxa uu xusay in amni la’aanteed aan la gaari karin wax horumar ah, loona baahan yahay in qof kasta oo bulshada ka mid ah uu ka qeyb ka qaato. Iyadoo qayb ka ah la tashigiisa ballaaran si loo gaaro dhinac kasta oo bulshada...

The Crisis in Syria: Ethnic Cleansing, Instability, and Failed Governance

  The ongoing crisis in Syria has reached alarming levels, with ethnic cleansing becoming a brutal reality for many communities. Islamist groups, driven by their ambitions to control state institutions, have played a central role in exacerbating the conflict. Their actions, which include the systematic targeting of civilians and the release of dangerous individuals, have destabilized the region and deepened the suffering of its people. Islamist Goals and the Drive for Control One of the key goals of Islamist factions in Syria is to seize control of state institutions. This is not merely a political maneuver but a strategy to impose their ideology and consolidate power. By infiltrating and undermining the state, these groups have created an environment of lawlessness that perpetuates violence and chaos. Their actions have left communities vulnerable, as they dismantle the structures meant to protect and serve the population. Release of Dangerous Individuals Another alarming tactic e...

Somalia's Dual Crisis: A Tale of Flooding Amidst Drought

In a devastating turn of events, Somalia is grappling with the aftermath of heavy rains and flash flooding, forcing half a million people to evacuate their homes and claiming over 30 lives. The Horn of Africa nation, already reeling from a record drought, now faces the dual challenge of nature's extremes – a stark illustration of the impacts of climate change and the vulnerability of a nation embroiled in conflict. The Unrelenting Rainfall: Since the beginning of the month, Somalia has been pummeled by relentless downpours, attributed to the meteorological phenomena known as El Nino. The consequence has been widespread flooding, inundating homes and submerging crops, compounding the woes of a nation already on the brink of starvation due to a prolonged drought. Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds: Information Minister Daud Aweis disclosed that half a million people have fled their homes due to the flooding, and an additional 1.2 million people are at risk of being affected. With the death ...

UAE Raises Alarm Over Famine in Sudan, Praises UNSC’s Focus on Crisis

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed its deepest concern over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Sudan, where severe food insecurity is affecting over 25 million citizens. In particular, the UAE has highlighted the dire situation in North Darfur, where famine has been declared in parts, including the Zamzam camp, which shelters over half a million displaced individuals. The likelihood of famine in the Abu Shouk and Al Salam camps, along with catastrophic hunger conditions in nine additional states, has prompted the UAE to welcome the recent UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting focused on Sudan. The UAE urges the international community to maintain its attention on this critical situation. The UAE emphasizes the need for an emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, advocating for a ceasefire and the swift delivery of humanitarian aid. Despite the urgency, trucks filled with lifesaving aid remain stuck at the Sudanese border while thousands face starvation in areas ...

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