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Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta oo Ansixiyay Qorshe $53 Bilyan ah oo Dib Loogu Dhisayo Gaza

  Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...

Against All Odds: Ibdow's Resilience

Ibdow Ething's story unfolded in a land deeply rooted in agro-pastoralism. This took place in the heart of Somalia's Berdaale region. Gilgil's undulating plains and expansive vistas raised him, and from an early age, he learned the art of tending to cattle and cultivating the land. He drew his sustenance from the land, which had been the source of his family's livelihood for many generations. 

However, the harsh reality of drought and starvation quickly arrived upon Gilgil, forcing Ibdow and his family to deal with the catastrophic effects of the situation. Forced to flee their homeland in search of safety, they found themselves among the hundreds seeking asylum in the Buur Aaminow camp across Ethiopia. 

Relief organizations operating in the camp quickly noticed Ibdow's tenacity and leadership qualities, despite his displacement due to the surrounding instability and uncertainty. Organizations such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Save the Children, and the World Food Programme (WFP) extended to him the opportunity to reconstruct his life and provide assistance to his fellow refugees. 

In his role as a community leader in Buur Aaminow, Ibdow was instrumental in serving as a catalyst for the development of solidarity and cooperation among his fellow refugees. He advocated for the rights and well-being of the most vulnerable people in the community, drawing on his innate sense of empathy and compassion, and fought diligently to guarantee that no one was left behind. He made it his mission to leave no one behind. 

Nevertheless, despite the ongoing challenges that he faced on a daily basis at the camp, Ibdow never lost sight of his hopes and dreams for the future. Humanitarian groups' assistance allowed him to educate his children, enabling them to seize opportunities that had previously seemed unattainable. 

Ibdow's time at Buur Aaminow motivated him to explore innovative methods for achieving progress and prosperity. He entered the business world by applying his entrepreneurial spirit and was able to establish himself as a respected person in the local community's economy. As a result of his relentless efforts and unwavering resolve, he was able to turn challenges into opportunities, laying the groundwork for a more promising future for his family. 

In the years that followed, as Somalia was beginning to recover from the wounds caused by the war and the famine, Ibdow took the decision to go back to his country of origin. Upon his arrival in the bustling metropolis of Baidoa, he carried with him the lessons he had learned and the resilience he had developed during his exile. 

In Baidoa today, Ibdow Ething is a pillar of strength and resilience. He exemplifies the spirit of tenacity and resolve that characterizes the Somali people. In the same way that he tends to his crops and his community, he does it with a sense of pride and purpose, knowing that he has triumphed over adversity and emerged stronger as a result of it. Ibdow is unshakable in his dedication to constructing a brighter future for himself, his family, and his cherished motherland, despite the fact that the trip has been lengthy and challenging.


Maant iyo Soomaaliya

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Agaasimaha Guud Ee Caafimaadka Oo Soo Dhaweeyay Weftiga Ka Socda Hay’adda WHO.

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