Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...
Recent occurrences include five technical experts from Iran landing in Sudan have significant consequences for international relations and regional security. The delegates were received by Sudan's army as well as General Intelligence Organization. Credible sources indicate that the major objective of this delegation is to provide particular instruction on call hacking techniques, jamming devices, and drone operation using Iranian equipment.
The training classes are set to take place in Arousa village, an area that lately has become strategically important thanks to recent improvements. This operation runs parallel with claims suggesting Iran supports Sudanese army and intelligence in operations causing civilian losses. Such assistance is probably going to affect not just the general security situation in the area but also the bilateral ties between Iran and Sudan.
New Ties and Military Cooperation
The training classes are set to take place in Arousa village, an area that lately has become strategically important thanks to recent improvements. This operation runs parallel with claims suggesting Iran supports Sudanese army and intelligence in operations causing civilian losses. Such assistance is probably going to affect not just the general security situation in the area but also the bilateral ties between Iran and Sudan.
New Ties and Military Cooperation
In October 2023 Sudan restored diplomatic ties to Iran following a seven-year break. Military cooperation sprang from this rebirth of connections very rapidly. In December 2023, a delegation from Sudan visited Iran in order to acquire Iranian Mohajer-6 attack drones. Early 2024 saw these drones in operation in the Sudanese conflict already. Reports and graphic evidence from sources including Radio Dabanga exposed Iranian Revolutionary Guard cargo planes at Port Sudan, therefore underscoring Iran's direct support of Sudan's military activities.
Although they have been silent about their real origins, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have freely denied purchasing weapons from Iran. Notwithstanding these assertions, Iranian military technology and experience obviously considerably enhance the SAF. Especially in Omdurman, Sudan's second most populated city, SAF's Iranian-supplied drones have been crucial in helping to regain territories lost to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
Strategic Effects
Iran's actions in Sudan go beyond basic military support. The rebuilt ties have let Iranian Navy ships reach Sudanese ports, therefore enabling Iran a modest but vital presence in the Red Sea. Though repeated requests have been made, Sudan has not yet let Iran set a permanent naval base. Analysts think that Iran's backing of Sudan would radically tip the regional balance of power. Mehmet Kilic, writing for the Middle East Monitor, emphasized how the restoration of Iran-Sudan ties can influence not just regional but also global geopolitics.
Context in History
Military cooperation between Iran and Sudan is not a modern phenomena. For Sudan for the past five years, Iran has been a crucial military ally providing training and helping to acquire Chinese military equipment. The SAF has flown Iranian aircraft in several wars, including the protracted civil war that finally resulted in the separation of South Sudan.
The entrance of the Iranian team in Sudan marks a turning point in the ties between the two countries and has general effects on regional security. Iran's help will probably be very important as Sudan negotiates internal conflict with the RSF. The flood of Iranian weapons and knowledge into Sudan could change the strategic scene of the Red Sea and beyond, so stressing the need of closely observing these changes.
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