Devastating Impact in Baidoa
During his mission, Skau visited Baidoa, an area hard-hit by extreme climate events. The region faced a prolonged drought from 2020 to 2023, followed by severe flooding in November 2023. These floods, among the worst in decades, affected two million people and displaced 750,000.
"Families in Baidoa are struggling due to relentless climate shocks and conflict, which have forced them from their homes and left them without essential needs like nutritious food and education," Skau stated. "The resilience shown by the Somali people is incredible. It’s crucial that the government, the UN, and partners prioritize support for the most vulnerable and ensure timely aid delivery."
Humanitarian Efforts and Ongoing Challenges
Thanks to a major humanitarian intervention led by WFP and international partners, Somalia narrowly avoided a famine in 2022. However, approximately 3.4 million Somalis still face severe hunger (IPC3), despite some improvement in food security due to increased rainfall this year.
"Our collaborative efforts with the Government and partners have been significant, but we must not become complacent. WFP remains committed to supporting the most vulnerable. Ensuring humanitarian access and staff safety is vital," Skau emphasized.
Building Resilience for the Future
Even though this year's milder rains have reduced flood risks, the effects of past disasters continue to impact communities. Predictions indicate ongoing dry conditions with below-average rainfall for the upcoming season, which will exacerbate existing difficulties.
"Somalia is at a critical juncture. We must not only provide immediate food assistance but also address the underlying causes of hunger and help communities adapt to recurring climate shocks," Skau noted.
In 2023, WFP's resilience-building initiatives in Somalia included aiding 315,000 people with climate-smart food systems, livelihood support, preparedness, recovery, and water resource management. The WFP's Anticipatory Action Plan also issued early warning messages to 1.9 million people and provided $1 million in cash transfers to 80,000 individuals at risk of floods in 2024. WFP collaborates closely with the Somali Disaster Management Agency to monitor and activate early warning systems during the rainy seasons.
"Despite our limited resources, now is the time to invest in resilience and climate adaptation to mitigate the impacts of future shocks. WFP is ramping up efforts to build more resilient communities," Skau asserted.
Strategic Discussions for Sustainable Development
During his visit, Skau held meetings with the Somali Deputy Prime Minister and key Ministries, including Agriculture, Energy and Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change, and Livestock, as well as international development partners. These discussions centered on enhancing food systems, strengthening social protection, and adopting new technologies for sustainable development, all dependent on maintaining unobstructed access to affected populations.
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