Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...
On March 4th, 2024, the Federal Republic of Somalia officially joined the East African Community (EAC) as the bloc's eighth Partner State. This historic event marks a significant milestone in regional integration and economic cooperation within the East African region.
Somalia's accession to the EAC was finalized after the country's Minister of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Jibril Abdirashid Haji Abdi, presented the Instrument of Ratification of the Treaty of Accession to the EAC Secretary General, Hon. (Dr.) Peter Mathuki. With this instrument, Somalia formally signified its commitment to the terms and obligations of the Treaty.
EAC Secretary General Dr. Mathuki welcomed Somalia's membership, emphasizing the benefits it holds for both the Horn of Africa nation and the wider region. He highlighted Somalia's strategic location and abundant natural resources, which can contribute significantly to the EAC's overall development and economic prosperity.
"Somalia has the potential to unlock opportunities in the blue economy and boost intra-regional trade," said Dr. Mathuki.
Somalia's head of delegation, Hon. Haji Abdi, expressed the country's eagerness to contribute to the EAC integration process. He identified key areas of focus, including infrastructure development, trade, and the promotion of sustainable economic growth.
"Somalia is ready to play its role as a contributing member of the Community," stated Hon. Abdi.
Somalia's entry into the EAC follows a 12-month ratification process, during which the country had to domesticate the Treaty of Accession into its domestic legal framework. Now, as a full member, Somalia will participate in all EAC activities and programs, including projects related to infrastructure, trade liberalization, and political cooperation.
The EAC is committed to supporting Somalia's integration into the bloc. A roadmap will be developed detailing how Somalia will implement various EAC commitments, ranging from the Customs Union to the Political Federation.
The accession of Somalia to the EAC is a testament to the growing economic and political interconnectedness within the East African region. It opens up new avenues for collaboration, trade, and investment, promising to enhance the lives and livelihoods of East Africans across borders.
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