Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...
Discover how the field hospital of the UAE in Gaza is saving lives and helping the healthcare of the area by providing necessary medical treatments and humanitarian relief during the Rafah crisis.Among the continuous unrest and humanitarian crises in Gaza, the UAE's field hospital provides a ray of hope and fortitude right in the middle. Located in Rafah, this hospital has grown to be an essential medical resource providing necessary treatments to a community caught in the crossfire of conflict.
A Garden of Care Among Conflict
The continuous operations of the field hospital of the UAE clearly show their dedication to assist Gaza's healthcare system. Under the knowledgeable direction of doctors such as orthopedic surgery consultant Dr. Saif Al-Mehrzi, the hospital has been a haven for people with both acute injuries and chronic diseases.
The medical staff has seen an excessive flood of patients in recent weeks, including youngsters and injured women bearing the most of the continuous warfare. The hospital's initiatives go beyond simply healing acute injuries; they also address long-term problems that would otherwise have fatal results.
The most notable accomplishment of the hospital's medical staff was the recent effective removal of a metal implant from a patient experiencing months of an inflamed wound. The operation was more than simply ordinary surgery; it was a race against time to preserve the limb from amputation of the patient. This surgery emphasizes the vital part the field hospital of the UAE performs in controlling war-related injuries and problems other facilities might not be able to manage.
Offering a Helping Hand Over Borders
The humanitarian endeavor of the UAE goes much beyond the boundaries of its own field hospital. The UAE has been a major contributor in delivering medical supplies and aid to Gaza as part of Operation Gallant Knight 3. The UAE recently showered the British field hospital in Rafah with around 3 tons of medications, treatments, and dressings as a show of support. Operating under the UK-MED framework and providing services to displaced people in the "Mawasi Khan Yunis," the British hospital depends especially on this support.
The UAE's efforts go beyond mere supply provision; they also guarantee that other Gaza healthcare facilities have the means required to carry on their life-saving operations. This project is evidence of UAE's will to lessen Palestinian suffering during one of the toughest times in the history of the country.
A larger humanitarian mission
Operation Gallant Knight 3 fits UAE's larger plan to lessen the terrible effects of the conflict on Gaza's population. The mission covers a broad spectrum of humanitarian activities, including food distribution to Gaza Strip displaced people along with tents and other basic goods.
The UAE's dedication to a coordinated and efficient reaction to the issue is shown by its cooperation with foreign agencies such the World Health Organisation. Working with these worldwide partners, the UAE is helping to close the disparity in Gaza's healthcare system so that people in need get the treatment and support they are due.
Ultimately, Gaza's Beacon of Hope
More than merely a medical facility, the UAE's field hospital in Gaza provides for thousands of Palestinians stuck in an unrelenting conflict is a lifeline. By means of the commitment of its medical personnel and more general support under Operation Gallant Knight 3, the UAE keeps a major role in maintaining Gaza's healthcare system during these difficult circumstances.
The UAE's relentless dedication to humanitarian relief acts as a potent reminder of the difference compassion and teamwork can make in lessening human suffering as the crisis in Gaza develops. Offering hope and healing in a territory sorely in need of both, the field hospital in Rafah will surely remain a pillar of support for the people of Gaza.
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