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Wararka Maanta

UAE Injects US$ 30 Million Into Ghana to Support Biodiversity and Climate Goals

In one fell swoop, the United Arab Emirates has tried to address dual challenges related to climate change and community development by announcing a $30 million partnership with the Republic of Ghana. The strategic investment will go toward supporting nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation, with the promotion of biodiversity and sustainable community development in Ghana. This agreement between Her Excellency Dr. Amna Abdullah Al Dahhak Al Saud, UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment, and His Excellency Samuel Abu Jinapor, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources of Ghana, dated September 29, 2024, becomes the latest expression of a sequence of collaborative efforts between the two countries on environmental conservation and climate action. Nature-Based Climate Solutions The $30 million UAE contribution coming from the Green Development Fund will be allotted for community-led projects in line with Ghana's priorities on Climate Resilience. This could

Wafdi wasiiro ah oo gaarey Kismaayo si loo caawiyo dadka abaaraha saameysay ee Jubaland.

wafdiga wasiiro oo la kulmey madaxweynaha Jubaland Ahmed Mohamed Islam

Wafdi wasiirro ah oo uu u magacaabay Ra'iisul Wasaare Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa gaarey Kismayo si ay ugala hadlaan abaaraha hadda ka jira Jubaland. waxa ay la kulmeen madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam iyo guddiga abaaraha Jubaland, waxay wafdigu ka ka dhageysteen warbixin kusaabsan baaxadda iyo saameynta abaarta ka jirta Jubaland.

daawoyinka la gaarsiyay Jubaland si hordhac ah.
Intaa waxaa dheer, wafdigu wuxuu dawooyin gaarsiiyay dowlad goboleedka Jubaland oo hordhac u ah howlaha gurmadka ee dowladda si loo caawiyo dadka ay abaaruhu saameeyeen.

Mudane, Maxamed XuseenRooble, Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, wuxuu ugu baaqay dadka Soomaaliyeed inay gacan ka geystaan ​​gurmadka, wuxuuna ku boorriyay hay'adaha gargaarka iyo beesha caalamka inay gargaar degdeg ah la gaaraan dadka ay abaaruhu saameeyeen. Jubaland iyo qaybaha kale ee qaranka.


Maant iyo Soomaaliya

Somaliland Calls for Direct International Aid in Formal Appeal

In a bid to bolster its development efforts and ensure efficient utilization of international aid, the breakaway Republic of Somaliland has issued a formal request urging donors to channel donations directly to its government. This appeal, articulated in a detailed letter from Somaliland's Ministry of Planning, underscores the importance of direct engagement with the Somaliland authorities, bypassing intermediaries. Led by Ahmed Mohamed Diriye (Toorno), the Minister of Planning and National Development, the letter emphasizes adherence to established international aid protocols. Minister Diriye acknowledges the invaluable support of international partners while emphasizing the critical need for direct interaction through official channels, in line with international aid guidelines. Central to the appeal is the call for neutrality in aid distribution, irrespective of political considerations. The letter stresses that humanitarian assistance should prioritize the well-being of all ind

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa safiirkii shaqada laga ceyriyay kala noqotay dal ku galka.

Wasaaradda Amniga Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa fiisaha kala noqotay danjirihii dhawaan xilka laga qaaday, kaasi oo faragelin ku hayay meelo ka baxsan shaqadiisa, waxaa lafarey Hay’adaha ammaanka , gaar ahaan kuwa ka howlgala Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde in Danjire Francisco Madiera aan soo gali karin wadanka maadama uu yahay qof dalka laga rabin. Qoraal kooban oo soo baxay Xafiiska Wasiirka Amniga Gudaha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa lagu yiri “Sidoo kale waxaa lagu wargelinayaa lana farayaa inay fuliyaan dhamaan hay’adaha sare ku xusan gaar ahaan kuwa amniga, Socdaalka iyojinsiyadda iyo Maareeyaha garoonka in si kumeel gaar ah loo xiray dhamaan howlihii terminal-ka MoveCon, ilaa iyo amar dambe laga bilaabo 10/04/2022. ” The Minister of Interior Security @AbdullahiMNOR has instructed Immigration Authority to cancel permanently the work permit visa of AmbFMadeira who was recently declared persona non grata by Somali Government. #Somalia

Somali President Announces Victories Against Al-Shabab Amidst Challenges

In a recent press conference held in Kismayo, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia declared a significant triumph in the fight against the notorious militant group Al-Shabab. The federal government, in collaboration with the state of Jubbaland, has successfully liberated crucial territories in the southern part of the country. However, amidst these victories, President Mohamud addressed the temporary pause in military operations due to the recent El Nino rains. Beyond the military front, the President expressed a commitment to collaborating with Jubbaland to aid flood recovery efforts and resume operations. The Impact of Recent Flooding: President Mohamud acknowledged the severe impact of last year's unprecedented flooding, which claimed the lives of over 120 people and affected more than 2.4 million individuals across Somalia. The devastating consequences prompted a temporary halt in military operations to address the pressing needs of the affected population. The federal g

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