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Addressing artificial intelligence, energy, and global collaboration, the UAE President discusses the G7 Summit.

Attached to a historic action stressing the UAE's commitment to technological progress and sustainable growth, President Sheikh Mohamed attended the G7 Summit session focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and energy. Italy's Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, opened this session under the theme "Energy and Artificial Intelligence/Africa and the Mediterranean Region," therefore indicating a noteworthy global participation.

In his lecture, Sheikh Mohamed underscored the pressing global problems mostly affecting the Middle East and Africa, particularly with regard to energy use. He stressed the need for group effort and global cooperation to solve these issues. By utilizing innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, the world can develop environmentally friendly solutions, ensuring energy security and promoting social and economic development.

Sheikh Mohamed reiterated once more the UAE's will to establish an integrated artificial intelligence system via laws, policies, alliances, and large-scale projects. This initiative aims to use artificial intelligence to find workable solutions for energy sustainability, as well as to assist in a fair and balanced energy transition. These projects originate from the UAE Consensus, a model of successful global collaboration. By focusing on artificial intelligence, the UAE seeks to create a situation where technical advancements increase world well-being and equitable progress through technology.

Sheikh Mohamed stressed the need for suitable interaction with advancing technologies and voiced hope that the G7 Summit will start a new chapter of group activities. He stressed that, depending on their impact, these technologies should neither increase world polarization nor aggravate the developmental differences between nations. Instead, they should be tools for increasing wealth for everyone, sustainability, and security. His worldview holds that sensible application of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies would benefit every human being.

Following Sheikh Mohamed's speech, a video presentation highlighted the UAE's great achievements in artificial intelligence and sustainable energy, as well as its ambitious goals. It comprised remarks from notable players such as Omar Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work Applications, and Faisal Al Bannai, Advisor to the UAE President for Strategic Research and Advanced Technology Affairs. This toward progress in sustainable energy solutions and prosperity, this talk concentrated on the major UAE AI investments. The country's projects include developing robust artificial intelligence systems and endorsing global cooperation to inspire innovation and sustainability.

Other famous attendees at the session on artificial intelligence and energy were Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church. The various presentations at the conference underlined the broad applicability of the topics discussed. This global attention highlights the main role sustainable energy solutions and artificial intelligence play in guiding international cooperation and development.

Sheikh Mohamed attended the G7 Summit, which served as a perfect illustration of UAE leadership in promoting world cooperation and ethical technology implementation. The UAE, which emphasizes artificial intelligence and sustainable energy, wants to build a future in which scientific advancements support equitable development and world well-being. Other nations can adopt the UAE's proactive approach, which demonstrates the application of recently created technologies for the benefit of society as a whole.

All things considered, Sheikh Mohamed's address during the G7 Summit marked a turning moment in the global dialogue on artificial intelligence and energy. His encouragement of group projects and appropriate engagement with emerging technologies addresses the demand for sustainable solutions to the pressing issues facing the earth today. By means of its ambitious projects and calculated investments, the UAE's commitment to artificial intelligence and energy sustainability—which reflects this—positions it as a pioneer in promoting a fair and balanced energy transition through ambitious projects and calculated investments. Promising a brighter and more sustainable future for all, the G7 Summit on AI and energy has established the basis for future cooperation and advancements in this industry.


Maant iyo Soomaaliya

Kadib weerarkii bahalnimada ahaa ee lagu qaaday fariisimaha ciidamada Muqdisho, waxaa xabsiga loo taxaabay saddex sarkaal.

Iyadoo lala xiriirinayo qaraxii ismiidaaminta ahaaee Isniintii ka dhacay xarun ciidan oo ku taal Muqdisho, kaasoo ay ku dhinteen ugu yaraan 30 askari, ayna ku dhaawacmeen in ka badan 70 kale, ugu yaraan saddex taliye oo uu ka mid yahay kornayl milateri ayaa xabsiga la dhigay. Sida ay wararku sheegayaan, iyadoo saraakiishu ay sii kordhiyeen baadhista ay ku samaynayaan xaaladihii keenay dhacdadan, ayaa laga yaabaa in dad badan la xidh-xidho. Ujeedada ugu weyn ee baaritaanka ayaa ah in la ogaado cidda ka caawisay qofka isku qarxiyay goobta. Dadka la laayay ee ka soo jeeda Gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose ayaa tababar u yimid magaalada. Askarta ayaa waxaa la sheegay in la tirinayey halka ruuxa ismiidaamiyey uu isku qarxiyey xilli ay saf ku jireen. Walaac weyn ayaa laga muujiyay duruufaha ku xeeran duulaanka Al Shabaab ay ku qaadeen saldhiga ciidamada. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somaliya, Sheekh Aadan Madoobe, ayaa ka mid ah dadka shakiga ku jira, waxa uuna ku tilmaamay weerarkii Shabaab ay ku

Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed ayaa Madaxtooyada magaalada Baydhabo kula kulmay Guddiga Hirgelinta Doorashooyinka iyo Guddoomiye kuxigeenka 1aad ee Baarlamaanka Koonfur Galbeed.

Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed, Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed (Lafta-gareen) ayaa Madaxtooyada Magaalada Baydhabo kula kulmay Guddiyada Hirgelinta Doorashooyinka iyo Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka 1aad ee Baarlamaanka Koonfur Galbeed, Maxamed Nuur Macalin. Kulanka oo casho iyo kala warqaadashaba isugu jiray ayaa waxay kaga hadleen Doorashada Senatorada Aqalka Sare, oo maalmaha soo socdo lagu wado inay ka dhacdo magaaladaasi.  Madaxweynaha ayaa bartiisa xiriirka dadweynaha soo dhigay qoraal u qornaa “Waxaan kulan isugu jiray casha sharaf iyo kala warqaadasho aan la qaatay Guddiyada Hirgelinta Doorashooyinka iyo Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka 1aad Baarlamaanka Dowlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed.” Madaxweyne Lafta-gareen ayaa Guddiyada Doorashooyinka Hirgelinta Heer Federaal iyo Heer Dowlad Goboleed Koonfur Galbeed u gudbiyay liiska toban musharax, oo ku tartami doona shan ka mida kuraasta Koonfur Galbeed ee Aqalka Sare.

Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Xirshabeele oo magacaabey guddiga qabashada doorashada Aqalka Sare.

Cabdixakiin Luqmaan Xaaji Maxamed,  Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka dowlad goboleedka Hirshabeelle    ayaa magacaabay xubnaha Xildhibaanada golaha Wakiilada qabashada doorashada Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Xubnaha uu magacaabay guddoomiye Luqmaan ayaa ka kooban 15 xubnood waxaana guddoomiyaha loo magacaabay Xildhibaan Faysal Axmedweli Xasan, halka guddoomiye ku xigeenkana loo magacaabay Xildhibaan Maxamuud Axmed Gacal. Xubnaha la magacaabay ayaa ka shaqeyn doona sidii Xildhibaanada maamulka Hirshabeelle u dooran lahayeen Xildhibaanada Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee deegaan doorashadooda tahay Hirshabeelle. Halkan kaga bogo.

Guddiga doorashada heer federaal ayaa ku baaqey 48 saacadood in ay ku bilaabato doorashada baarlamaanka.

Guddiga doorashada heer federaal ayaa war-saxaafadeed uu soo saaray ugu baaqay maamullada Puntland, Jubbaland iyo Hirshabeelle inay muddo 48 saac gudahood ah ku billaabaan doorashada baarlamaanka, isla markaana ay ku caddeeyaan sababta ay u qabsoomi waayeen. Federal Elections Implementation Team has on Monday evening called on Somalia’s #Jubbaland , #Puntland and #Hirshabelle States to commence elections of House of People within 48 hours. — SNTV News (@sntvnews1) December 13, 2021