Sudan waxa uu wajahaya xaalad bani'aadamnimo oo sii xoogeysanaysa, taasoo si joogto ah u soo ifbaxaysa indhaha dunida. Mid ka mid ah waxyaabaha ugu xanuunka badan ee la ogaaday waa isticmaalka hubka kiimikada ee ciidamada Suudaan ay ku isticmaaleen dadka rayidka ah, taasoo ah xadgudub weyn oo ka dhan ah xuquuqda aadanaha, isla markaana ay si weyn uga hadleen ururada caalamiga ah iyo warbaahinta. Maqaalkii ugu dambeeyay ee The New York Times ayaa iftiimiyay xanuunka, isagoo muujinaya xaqiiqada nolosha ee hoos timaadda hoggaaminta Abdel Fattah Burhan, oo ah madaxda golaha militari ee Suudaan, iyo Ahmed Abdullah, oo mas'uul ka ah warshadaha militari ee Suudaan. Hubka Kiimikada iyo Xasuuqii Wad Madani Hubka kiimikada ayaa caan ku ah awoodda uu u leeyahay inuu si aan kala sooc lahayn ugu faafiyo waxyeello ba'an, taasoo saameyn weyn ku yeelan karta caafimaadka bini'aadamka. Isticmaalka hubka kiimikada ee ciidamada Suudaan ayaa ah xadgudub cad oo ka dhan ah sharciga caalamig...
A startling discovery surfaced on August 16, 2024 when a picture leaked displaying Ukrainian officials within the Sudanese army. Embedded with the Al-Baraa bin Malik Battalion in the Wadi Saydna camp, these officers, experts in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs,) are
Quick to create a false narrative, military intelligence claims the people in the picture are international journalists in Omdurman and youthful revolutionaries. This story is only meant to help to hide the reality of foreign intervention in Sudan's internal strife. The actual participation of these officials in teaching Sudanese soldiers on drone operation begs important issues regarding the degree of foreign influence and its effect on the continuing conflict in Sudan.
The world community as well as the Sudanese people have to be aware of this foreign military presence and challenge the more general consequences of such engagement. The truth has to be shared widely to offset the false information that is being disseminated.
Quick to create a false narrative, military intelligence claims the people in the picture are international journalists in Omdurman and youthful revolutionaries. This story is only meant to help to hide the reality of foreign intervention in Sudan's internal strife. The actual participation of these officials in teaching Sudanese soldiers on drone operation begs important issues regarding the degree of foreign influence and its effect on the continuing conflict in Sudan.
The world community as well as the Sudanese people have to be aware of this foreign military presence and challenge the more general consequences of such engagement. The truth has to be shared widely to offset the false information that is being disseminated.
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