The series of attacks commenced on November 7, with explosions hitting two facilities in Xera Jarmal and on the outskirts of Mogadishu, according to BBC Somali reports. Since then, the frequency of these incidents has escalated, raising concerns about the safety and security of Hormuud Company and its workforce.
What adds to the mystery is the absence of any group claiming responsibility for these attacks. Hormuud Company, grappling with the relentless onslaught, asserts that they are in the dark regarding the identity of the assailants. The lack of a clear motive or group affiliation leaves the company and its employees in a state of uncertainty and heightened vulnerability.
As the situation unfolds, the local community, authorities, and the international community are left grappling with questions about the motive behind these targeted assaults and the potential repercussions for Hormuud Company's operations in Mogadishu.
Stay tuned for further updates as the investigation into these unsettling incidents continues. The safety of employees and the security of vital infrastructures remain at the forefront of concerns as Hormuud Company navigates this challenging period.
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