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Showing posts from October, 2023


Wararka Maanta

Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta oo Ansixiyay Qorshe $53 Bilyan ah oo Dib Loogu Dhisayo Gaza

  Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...

Somalia's Prime Minister Calls for Unity in Countering Extremism

In a significant move to address the ongoing security challenges in Somalia, Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has taken the initiative to engage clerics and religious leaders in the fight against extremist ideologies. The Prime Minister inaugurated a conference in Mogadishu, emphasizing the critical role of clerics in promoting peace, reconciliation, and countering extremist ideologies within the nation. During the conference, Prime Minister Barre stressed the importance of collaboration between the government, intellectuals, clerics, and the people to address the various challenges facing Somalia. He highlighted the pivotal role that clerics and Imams play in raising public awareness and countering the extremist narratives propagated by groups like al-Shabaab and ISIS in the region. "I urge you to engage in reconciliation, stabilization, state-building, and the finalization of the constitution," Prime Minister Barre stated, highlighting the government's achievements in co...

Turkish Bank Opens First Foreign Branch in Somalia: A Milestone for Economic Growth

In a significant development for the East African nation, the Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) announced on Sunday that Ziraat Katilim Bank of Turkey has established its presence by opening a branch in Mogadishu. This marks a historic occasion as the Turkish financial institution becomes the first international bank to operate in Somalia in over half a century. The establishment of Somalia's first foreign bank branch has the potential to bring about a positive transformation in the country's financial sector. This transformation is expected to result from increased economic opportunities and expanded trade relations between Somalia and its international partners. "The new branch of Ziraat Katilim Bank in Somalia is expected to offer a wide range of corporate banking services to businesses, international institutions, and development partners," stated the Central Bank of Somalia in a press release issued in Mogadishu. The journey to this milestone began in 2022 when the C...

Building Bridges: UAE's Remarkable Role in Ethiopian-Eritrean Peace

In a world often marred by conflicts, political tensions, and international disputes, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a beacon of hope, commitment, and diplomacy. Their substantial efforts in supporting the consensus between Ethiopia and Eritrea serve as a testament to their unwavering dedication to peace and regional cooperation.  UAE's Successful Mediation While the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea appeared to be a sudden breakthrough, it was, in fact, the culmination of a year of back-channel talks, and the UAE played a vital role in this process. The UAE's active involvement in the Horn of Africa, along with a desire to tap into Ethiopia's growing economy, contributed to their significant role in the peace talks. Their newfound assertiveness demonstrates the changing dynamics in a continent where new players are emerging on the diplomatic stage. Respecting Sovereignty One crucial aspect of the UAE's involvement in this peace process is their commitme...

Turkish President Erdogan and Somali President Mohamud Hold Diplomatic Talks in Istanbul

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Somali counterpart, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, recently engaged in a high-level diplomatic meeting behind closed doors in Istanbul. According to Turkish diplomatic sources, the encounter covered a range of international topics and bilateral relations. The meeting, which took place amid growing global concerns, involved discussions on various matters of mutual interest. Key figures accompanying the presidents during the talks included Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacr, Turkish Minister of National Defense Yasar Guler, and members of the Somali delegation. One of the prominent issues on the agenda was the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, as well as the expanding humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The leaders also touched upon the recent wave of pro-Palestinian protests in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, which mirrored similar sentiments in Turkey. Since President Erdogan's visit to Somalia in 2011, Tu...

UAE's Strategic Partnership with Somalia: Promoting Stability and Development

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Somalia are strengthening their ties in a concerted effort to enhance development and stability in Somalia. A significant development in this partnership is the UAE's plan to build a military base in the strategic port city of Kismayo, situated in southern Somalia. This move is intended to support Jubaland state leader Ahmed Madobe. The relationship between Somalia and the UAE has seen ups and downs, but recent diplomatic efforts have rekindled their cooperation. The history includes a hiatus of five years, during which diplomatic relations had been strained. Notably, Somalia's former President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, had ordered the expulsion of UAE military trainers from Mogadishu, alleging that the UAE was using Somali forces as proxies to advance its political and strategic interests. However, in recent years, the UAE's presence in Somalia has been on the rise. With a renewed focus on enhancing their influence and support for sta...

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Advocates for Investment, Education, and Peace at the Global Gateway Forum

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia has embarked on a significant journey to Brussels, where he is actively participating in the Global Gateway Forum. This forum, which convenes high-level government representatives from the European Union and partner nations, as well as key stakeholders from financial institutions, civil society, and international organizations, focuses on the progress of the Global Gateway plan. The EU-initiated plan aims to promote excellent, open investments in various industries around the world. Under the theme "Stronger Together through Sustainable Investment," President Mohamud is expected to emphasize the urgent need for infrastructure development, green energy transition, and education, along with lobbying for support for ongoing military operations in Somalia. The Global Gateway Forum: An Overview The Global Gateway Forum serves as a platform to showcase the advancements made in the implementation of the Global Gateway plan. This comprehen...

Somali President Highlights Security Collaboration with the U.S. in Ongoing Fight Against Terrorism

In a recent meeting in Mogadishu, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud engaged with U.S. officials to discuss the vital security collaboration between the two nations in their ongoing efforts to combat terrorism in Somalia. President Mohamud, Chargé d'Affaires A.I. Shane Dixon from the United States Embassy, and Colonel David J. Haskell, Commander of Joint Special Operations in Somalia, highlighted the significant achievements in the fight against terrorism. During the meeting, the U.S. officials commended President Mohamud and the Somali Armed Forces for their recent victories in military operations. These operations have successfully eliminated terrorists from strategically critical locations over the past year, as reported by Villa Somalia. President Mohamud stressed the importance of receiving both technical and military support from foreign partners to effectively combat terrorist groups like al-Shabab. He emphasized that these terrorists pose a global threat, and their elim...

Escalating Civilian Casualties in Somalia: UN's Stark Warning

The United Nations' Special Envoy for Somalia, Catriona Laing, delivered a grim message to the Security Council regarding the alarming rise in civilian casualties in the troubled Horn of Africa country during the past year. The situation is primarily attributed to the ongoing insurgency led by jihadist group Al-Shabab and the conflicts in the breakaway province of Somaliland. In this article, we delve into the details of this concerning issue and the efforts being made to address it. The Ongoing Crisis: Somalia has been grappling with a protracted and brutal insurgency by the extremist group Al-Shabab since the start of the 21st century. Despite being driven out of major cities in 2011 and 2012, Al-Shabab continues to operate in vast rural areas, particularly in central and southern regions. The group consistently carries out attacks targeting government officials, civilians, and security forces, contributing to the rising civilian casualties. President's Pledge: Somali Preside...

Kenya's Commitment to Regional Peace and Stability: Defence Cabinet Secretary's Visit to Somalia

During a one-day visit to Somalia, Kenya's Defence Cabinet Secretary, Aden Duale, made security a top priority. His visit involved meetings with senior Somali Defence Forces personnel, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, and President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, where the discussions focused on strengthening cooperation in the fight against violent extremism and terrorism. Duale underscored Kenya's pride in its role in restoring peace and stability in Somalia, which has contributed to significant socio-economic gains in the region. He emphasized the critical importance of cooperation between the two nations in combatting terrorism, highlighting that security is a fundamental component of economic development. Kenya's commitment to the economic development of the region through a stable Somalia was reaffirmed by Duale. He also conveyed President William Ruto's pledge to provide the necessary resources to combat extremist groups like Al-Shabaab. "As an anchor state within th...

Tensions Rise as Ethiopia Seeks Red Sea Port Access; Somalia Declines Offer

In a move that has heightened regional tensions, Ethiopia recently requested negotiations with Somalia to secure access to a Red Sea port, a plea that was met with a firm decline. The standoff centers around Ethiopia's desire for direct access to the Red Sea, which it lost when Eritrea gained independence in 1993 after a three-decade-long conflict. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed last week sounded a warning about the potential for future conflict if his country continued to lack direct access to a harbor. He urged the need for a resolution to this issue to maintain regional stability. Somalia's State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Omar, conveyed his country's unwavering commitment to peace, security, trade, and integration but firmly stated that Somalia is not inclined to grant access to a strategic asset like a port. He emphasized the sacrosanct nature of Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, declaring them non-negotiable. During a televised lecture...

Xiisada Itoobiya ay raadinayso marinka Dekedda Badda Cas; Soomaaliya oo diiday dalabkii

Tallaabadan oo sii xoojisay xiisadda gobolka, ayaa Itoobiya waxay dhawaan ka codsatay Soomaaliya in lagala xaajoodo sidii ay u heli lahayd dekedda Badda Cas, codsigaas oo uu hoos u dhac weyn ku yimid. Ismariwaaga ayaa salka ku haya rabitaanka Itoobiya ee ah in ay si toos ah u gasho Badda Cas, taas oo ay lumisay markii Eritrea ay xornimada qaadatay 1993 ka dib colaad saddex iyo toban sano qaadatay. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Axmed ayaa todobaadkii hore ka dhawaajiyay digniin ku saabsan suurtagalnimada colaadaha mustaqbalka haddii dalkiisa uu sii wado la'aanta marinka tooska ah ee dekedda. Wuxuu ku booriyay baahida loo qabo in xal laga gaaro arrintan si loo ilaaliyo xasilloonida gobolka. Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Mudane Cali Cumar ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya ay ka go’an tahay Nabadda, Amniga, Ganacsiga iyo Is-dhexgalka, balse waxa uu si adag u sheegay in Soomaaliya aysan u janjeerin in ay hesho Hanti Istiraatiiji ah oo la mid ah Dekadda. Wuxuu ca...

Somalia's Ambitious Vision: The Modern Governing Strategic Direction Program

In a significant move aimed at reshaping the political landscape of Somalia, the government has unveiled the "Modern Governing Strategic Direction Program." This comprehensive strategy, introduced by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in the capital city, Mogadishu, is set to revolutionize the governance structure and improve the delivery of public services, setting the stage for a transformed Somalia well into the future. President Mohamud emphasized the importance of collective efforts to shape the nation's destiny beyond 2060. During a two-day meeting attended by international technical experts and ministers, he called for the development of a strategic plan that will guide Somalia's progress in the coming decades. Hamsa Abdi Barre, the Prime Minister of Somalia, echoed the sentiment, highlighting that this program is a monumental step toward enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the government's operations. "Today marks a momentous occasion in our go...

The United Nations allots $15 million to mitigate El Niño rains in Somalia.

In a proactive response to anticipated El Niño rains, the United Nations (UN) has earmarked $15 million to mitigate the potential consequences in Somalia, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The recent OCHA report on humanitarian aid, published on Tuesday evening, highlights the significance of flood response funds being directed toward high-risk areas in the states of Hirshabelle and Jubaland. Historically susceptible to floods, these regions are expected to bear the highest burden of people at risk of riverine flooding. A particularly concerning aspect is the potential impact of flash flooding in urban areas that host internally displaced individuals. OCHA reports that more than half of displacement settlements are located in low-lying flood-prone zones. As a result, a funding appeal has been launched to support additional life-saving interventions. The rains are predicted to bring a positive outcome to the region as they are...

Somalia's President Mohamud's Visits to Eritrea: A Closer Look at Evolving Diplomatic Relations

The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, recently embarked on his latest journey to Eritrea, marking what his administration described as a "professional visit." During his stay, he had the opportunity to tour military barracks in Eritrea, where Somali cadets have been receiving intensive training since 2019. Upon his arrival in Asmara, Mohamud received a warm welcome from his Eritrean counterpart, Isaias Afwerki, who accompanied him on a visit to several training sites in the days that followed. The President took the time to meet and interact with cadets undergoing training for various military roles, including the navy, air force, infantry, and mechanized military skills. He commended the dedication and hard work of the cadets, emphasizing their vital role in ensuring a strong and united Somalia. During a military parade at one of the training camps, Mohamud encouraged the cadets, saying, "I am very happy that you have spared no efforts in building your ski...

Kenyan Court Halts Government Plans to Deploy Police Officers to Haiti

The Kenyan High Court has temporarily halted the government's plans to send police officers to Haiti pending the outcome of a petition challenging the deployment. The petition was filed by former presidential candidate Ekuru Aukot, who argues that the deployment is unconstitutional. Aukot also claims that the country cannot afford to spare 1,000 police officers at a time when it is facing security challenges such as ethnic clashes in western Kenya and al-Shabab attacks in the coastal region of Lamu. In his ruling, Justice Antony Mrima said that the issues raised in the petition were of public interest and national importance. He also noted that there was a legal debate over whether or not regular police officers could be deployed on international missions. The government has defended the deployment, arguing that it is in line with Kenya's international obligations and that it will not compromise the country's security. The court is expected to give further directions on the...

Somali President and Eritrean Counterpart Inspector Training Camps for Somali Navy and Air Force Cadets

On Monday, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his Eritrean counterpart, Isaias Afwerki, visited the training facilities in Eritrea that Somali Navy and Air Force cadets use. This visit comes at a time when Somalia is ramping up its military operations against the al-Shabab terrorist group. Eritrea has been a key ally in this fight, providing training and support to Somali forces. During their visit, the two presidents met with army officers and discussed the security relationship between the two countries. President Mohamud expressed his gratitude for Eritrea's support in the fight against terrorism. However, the two presidents did not disclose any specific details about when the cadets would return to Somalia to participate in military operations. According to a military source, Somali soldiers who have received training in Eritrea are currently contributing significantly to ongoing military operations in the central regions of Somalia. Over the past two months, milit...

Flash Floods Displace 107,000 in Somalia: Urgent Humanitarian Response Needed

In a distressing development, flash floods, triggered by heavy rains, have wreaked havoc in the Baidoa district of southwestern Somalia, resulting in the displacement of approximately 107,000 people, according to a statement released by the United Nations' humanitarian agency on Sunday. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations (OCHA) reported that numerous homes, including improvised shelters housing more than 86,700 internally displaced people across 136 displacement sites in Baidoa, were submerged in floodwaters. These flash floods mark the onset of the October to December rainy season in Somalia, which is expected to bring above-normal rains and increased flooding due to the influence of El-Nino conditions in the region, as stated by OCHA in its latest update. Somalia has already endured five seasons of drought since mid-2021, leading to the displacement of over 1.4 million people and the loss of 3.8 million livestock. The recent heavy rains ...

Security Challenges in the Horn of Africa: Climate Change and Extremism Threaten Stability

The Horn of Africa, a region known for its strategic significance and complex dynamics, is facing growing security challenges. According to a recent statement by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the rise of extremist organizations and political instability in some Horn of Africa nations could undermine efforts to address issues of insecurity, piracy, and drug trafficking. The recent droughts that have caused thousands of people to flee their homes, according to Mohammed Ali Guyo, the IGAD's special envoy for the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Somalia. "We have seen a rise in terrorism, piracy, armed robbery, and sea kidnappings in the region," Guyo stated during a press briefing in Naivasha, Kenya. He emphasized that the lack of security cooperation among member states has worsened the situation. IGAD had established a task force to identify challenges and opportunities in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea regions. Guyo drew attention to the illegal pathway...

Kenya's Decade-Long Peacekeeping Mission in Somalia: Compensation and the Path Ahead

In a significant development, Kenya's participation in the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), formerly known as AMISOM, is set to conclude by December next year. Over the past five years, Kenya has received compensation of Ksh2.5 billion ($17 million) for its role in the peacekeeping mission, according to Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale's recent statement in parliament. The compensation was disbursed in annual installments of Ksh500 million ($3.3 million) and has been crucial in supporting Kenya's efforts in maintaining peace and stability in the volatile region. Kenya's involvement in Somalia's peacekeeping mission began in 2011 when the Kenyan Defense Forces entered Somalia to pursue Al Shabaab terrorists following a series of kidnappings along the border. The mission's formal integration into the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2036, marked a crucial step in the intern...

Escalating Conflict: Israel and Hamas Clash, Leaving Scores Dead

In a distressing turn of events, Israel and Hamas militants are engaged in a fierce and deadly confrontation that has claimed numerous lives and caused widespread devastation. The conflict erupted following a multi-pronged attack by Hamas militants within Israel, prompting Israel to retaliate aggressively. Escalating Conflict: The Gaza Strip Under Siege: The Israeli reprisal has resulted in the deaths of at least 198 people and left 1,610 others wounded in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, according to the health ministry. This surge in casualties began after Hamas militants infiltrated areas in the south of Israel, launching a significant offensive with rockets and fighters infiltrating Israel by land, sea, and air. Israel's Response: Israel's national rescue service, Magen David Adom, reported at least forty people killed on the Israeli side, with hospitals treating hundreds of wounded, including dozens in critical condition. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared,...

El Nino waxay halis galisay waxbarashada: Walaaca UNICEF ee Barkicinta Carruurta

El Nino, oo ah ifafaale cimilo oo leh saameyn caalami ah, ayaa mar kale soo baxaysa cinwaannada. Sida laga soo xigtay saadaasha hay'adda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan carruurta ee UNICEF, dhacdadan dabiiciga ah ayaa la filayaa inay barakiciso 651,000 oo carruur ah oo da'doodu u dhaxayso 5 ilaa 17 jir, iyadoo 225,000 oo ka mid ah ay hadda dhigtaan iskuullada gobollada ay dhibaatadu saameysey. Saamaynta qaybta waxbarashadu waa mid qoto dheer, iyada oo cawaaqib xun ay ku soo fool leedahay. Barokaca carruurta iyo hagardaamada waxbarashada Wararkii ugu dambeysay ee UNICEF ee El Nino ayaa muujinaya sawirro xun. Daadadka iyo raadadkooda waxay halis ku yihiin inay ka joojiyaan carruurta iyo macalimiintooda oo ay burburiyaan kaabayaasha muhiimka ah ee dugsiga, oo ay ku jiraan fasallada, tas-hiilaadka fayadhowrka, iyo adeegyada nadaafadda. Carqaladeynta waxbaridda iyo waxbarashada waa lama huraan, waxaana la xiri doonaa isku-xirka waddooyinka. Caqabaduhu aad bay u daran yihiin, waxaa...

Kenya's Planned Troop Withdrawal from Somalia by 2024

Kenya's Minister of Defense, Aden Duale, recently announced that all Kenyan Defense Forces would withdraw entirely from Somalia by the end of 2024. This significant decision follows a gradual troop withdrawal from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) that began in April 2021. The Mission's Background: Kenya's involvement in Somalia traces back to 2011 when terrorist kidnappings by al-Shabaab posed a severe threat to East Africa's peace and stability. To address the crisis, Kenya deployed troops to Somalia as part of ATMIS. Over time, Kenya's troop numbers swelled to over 4,000, collaborating with other ATMIS forces to combat al-Shabaab. Achievements and Challenges: Minister Duale acknowledged that Kenyan forces, along with their partners, have made substantial progress in reducing the capabilities of al-Shabaab and restoring stability in various parts of Somalia. However, this mission has not been without difficulties, with hundreds of Kenyan live...

Maamul Goboleedka Puntland oo isu diyaarinaya doorashada soo socota

Wasiirka Warfaafinta ee maamul goboleedka Puntland, Maxamuud Ceydiid Dirir, ayaa dhawaan sheegay in madaxda dowlad goboleedyada la dooran doono bisha Janaayo ee sanadka 2024-ka, iyadoo la adeegsan doono nidaamka hal qof iyo hal cod.  Baaqan ayaa imaanaya iyadoo Puntland ay isu diyaarinayso doorashooyin xasaasi ah iyadoo ay jiraan eedeymo la xiriira muddo kororsi uu sameeyay Madaxweyne Deni.  Dirir ayaa hadalkan ka sheegay shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe, isagoo ku nuux-nuuxsaday in la soo gabagabeeyay dhammaan diyaar-garowgii lagama maarmaanka u ahaa doorashada soo socota.  Hadalkiisa ayaa loo arkay inuu jawaab u yahay siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ku ah Puntland oo ku eedeeyay Madaxweyne Deni inuu doonayo inuu waqti kororsi ku sameeyo. Ku dhawaaqistan ayaa daba socotay arrin muran badan dhaliyay oo labo guddoomiye degmo oo ka tirsan magaalada Boosaaso lagu doortay hab is barbar socda.  Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ayaa walaac ka muujiyay go’aankan, isagoo she...

Challenges and Opportunities: Djibouti's Path to Financial Stability and Global Influence

The recently concluded United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session served as a platform for African leaders to advocate for a fairer and more standardized global financial system. Djibouti, in particular, seized the opportunity to call for greater financial inclusion and international cooperation. In this blog post, we explore Djibouti's quest for financial stability and examine the challenges it faces on its path to global influence. The Quest for Equitable Global Finance: Djibouti's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, underscored the urgent need to reform the international financial system. He argued that the existing framework often compels developing nations to resort to costly loans, leading to unsustainable public debts and hindering investments in critical areas such as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Youssouf emphasized that inclusive multilateralism is essential for restoring trust in the United Nations among member state...

Caqabadaha iyo Fursadaha: Jidka Jabuuti ee Xasilooni Maaliyadeed iyo Saamaynta Caalamka

Shirkii Golaha loo dhan yahay ee Qaramada Midoobay (UNGA) ee dhawaan la soo gebagebeeyey waxa uu ahaa madal ay madaxda Afrika ugu ololeeyaan in la helo hannaan maaliyadeed oo caalami ah oo caddaalad ah oo habaysan. Jabuuti, gaar ahaan, waxay ka faa’iidaysatay fursadda ay ku baaqday in la kordhiyo dhaqaalaha iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah. Qoraalkan blog-ka ah, waxa aanu ku baadhaynaa raadinta Djibouti ee xasiloonida dhaqaale, waxana aanu eegnay caqabadaha ay ku wajahayso jidka ay u marayso saamaynta caalamiga ah. Raadinta Maaliyadda Caalamiga ah ee loo siman yahay: Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Jabuuti, Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf, ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay baahida degdegga ah ee loo qabo in dib u habeyn lagu sameeyo hannaanka maaliyadeed ee caalamiga ah. Waxa uu ku dooday in qaabka hadda jira uu inta badan ku qasbo waddamada soo koraya inay qaataan deymo qaali ah, taasoo horseedda deymo dadweyne oo aan sii jiri karin, caqabadna ku ah maalgelinta meelaha muhiimka ah sida Yoolalka Horumarinta Joogt...

Maant iyo Soomaaliya

Strengthening Economic Bridges: UAE's ADQ Commits $500 Million Investment in Kenya

In a landmark move towards bolstering economic ties between the UAE and Kenya, ADQ, a state-controlled fund from the UAE, has announced a substantial investment commitment of $500 million in Kenya's priority sectors. This strategic partnership, forged through a finance and investment framework with Kenya's National Treasury and Economic Planning Ministry, marks a significant milestone in the economic cooperation between the two nations. Fostering Growth and Development The agreement aims to explore and leverage investment opportunities in Kenya to promote the growth and development of its national economy. With Kenya's economy being the largest in the East Africa region and projected to achieve growth between 5 and 6% in 2024, the infusion of investment from ADQ is poised to accelerate this growth trajectory. Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi, Managing Director and CEO of ADQ, expressed confidence in the investment's potential to unlock tangible value and contribute to the econo...

UAE Raises Alarm Over Famine in Sudan, Praises UNSC’s Focus on Crisis

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed its deepest concern over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Sudan, where severe food insecurity is affecting over 25 million citizens. In particular, the UAE has highlighted the dire situation in North Darfur, where famine has been declared in parts, including the Zamzam camp, which shelters over half a million displaced individuals. The likelihood of famine in the Abu Shouk and Al Salam camps, along with catastrophic hunger conditions in nine additional states, has prompted the UAE to welcome the recent UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting focused on Sudan. The UAE urges the international community to maintain its attention on this critical situation. The UAE emphasizes the need for an emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, advocating for a ceasefire and the swift delivery of humanitarian aid. Despite the urgency, trucks filled with lifesaving aid remain stuck at the Sudanese border while thousands face starvation in areas ...

UAE: A Global Leader in Humanitarian Aid

  Since its founding in 1971, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to global humanitarian assistance, distributing over AED 360 billion in aid to nations in need. This remarkable legacy underscores the UAE's role as a key contributor to international relief efforts, fostering stability and development worldwide. A Vision Rooted in Generosity The UAE’s approach to foreign aid is grounded in the principles of solidarity and human dignity, focusing on sectors that address immediate needs and promote long-term resilience. Over the years, the UAE has partnered with international organizations such as UNICEF, UNHCR, and the World Food Programme to deliver impactful assistance. Targeted Initiatives Across Regions 1. Jordan: Supporting Refugees and Vulnerable Communities The UAE has allocated $300 million to aid programs in Jordan, extending support beyond emergency health funding. Initiatives worth AED 63.8 million have provided critical items, such as ...

Tragic Bombing in Mogadishu's Boondheere District

On Sunday night, Mogadishu was shaken by a devastating bombing in the Boondheere district that claimed the lives of five civilians and injured 20 others. This horrific attack, one of the deadliest in recent months, occurred outside Top Coffee, a popular restaurant crowded with young people watching the Euro final match between Spain and England. According to Somali police, the militant group Al-Shabaab orchestrated the attack using a vehicle filled with explosives. The Incident The explosion ripped through the area, causing significant damage and spreading panic. Eyewitnesses described scenes of chaos and terror as flames and smoke engulfed the restaurant. The explosion primarily damaged vehicles parked outside, and the structural integrity of the restaurant was severely compromised. Photos from the scene depicted the aftermath, with parts of the establishment in ruins and emergency responders tending to the injured. Eyewitness Accounts Mohamed Muse Tarsan, a journalist who was at the ...

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