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Showing posts from July, 2024


Questioning the Credibility of the French Judicial Decision Against President Bashar Al-Assad

The French court's recent ruling to grant an international arrest warrant against Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has generated major discussion and controversy. Many believe the decision, which charges Assad of participating in war crimes throughout the Syrian civil war, to be politically driven and devoid of credibility and fairness. Claims made by Extremist-Linked Groups The French court's reliance on claims made by groups affiliated with extreme factions is one of the main points of contention over its ruling. Especially, the charges center on organizations connected to the Al-Nusra Front, a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate. These organizations have a stake in disparaging President Assad and have been known to spin stories to further their goals. Most people agree that these extreme groups planned the chemical strikes under issue in 2013 in order to entice Western engagement in Syria. Western biases and selective justice The decision against Assad draws attention to more gene