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Wararka Maanta

Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta oo Ansixiyay Qorshe $53 Bilyan ah oo Dib Loogu Dhisayo Gaza

  Hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta, oo ay ku jirto Imaaraatka Carabta, ayaa si wadajir ah u ansixiyay qorshe balaadhan oo lagu maalgelinayo dib u dhiska Gaza, taas oo wadarta guud ee dhaqaalaha la qoondeeyay ay gaareyso $53 bilyan . Qorshahan ayaa loogu talagalay in lagu soo nooleeyo kaabeyaasha dhaqaalaha, dib loogu dhiso guryihii burburay, iyo in la xoojiyo adeegyada aasaasiga ah ee bulshada Gaza. Tallaabadan muhiimka ah ayaa yimid kadib shir madaxeed ay hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ku yeesheen, iyaga oo muujiyay sida ay uga go’an tahay taageerada shacabka reer Falastiin ee ay saameysay colaadda daba dheeraatay. Qorshahan ayaa sidoo kale diiradda saaraya sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa fursadaha shaqo, horumarinta waxbarashada, iyo hagaajinta nidaamka caafimaadka ee gobolka Gaza. Maalgelintan ballaaran ayaa la filayaa inay wax weyn ka beddesho xaaladda nololeed ee Gaza, taas oo ay horay uga digeen hay’adaha gargaarka bani’aadamnimada in xaaladdeedu ay tahay mid aad u daran. Xulufada Carabta ayaa...

UAE's all-encompassing humanitarian campaign to assist Sudanese refugees

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is leading a multifarious humanitarian operation to give Sudanese refugees vital aid in response to the country's continuous humanitarian catastrophe. Working with foreign partners like France and the United Nations, this broad project covers medical treatment, food aid, school renovations, and infrastructure upgrades. Food Assistance for Chad The UAE sent an aid jet loaded with 13 tons of food supplies to Chad on August 11, 2023. This major initiative is meant to give Sudanese people who have fled their country to Chad immediate humanitarian aid in view of the continuous war in their native land. The prompt delivery of these food supplies emphasizes UAE's will to meet food security demands among displaced people. Field Hospital Chad Established in Chad, the UAE has set up a sizable field hospital specifically to provide Sudanese refugees with necessary medical treatment. The hospital has seen over 9,000 patients since its opening and has been a r...

UAE Contributes $25 Million for Humanitarian Efforts in Sudan

Signing an agreement with the UN World Food Program (WFP) to deliver $25 million in emergency food assistance to individuals impacted by the continuous crisis in Sudan and South Sudan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made a noteworthy pledge to humanitarian help. This latest project emphasizes UAE's continuous commitment to reduce human suffering and solve food shortage in areas of conflict. Between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Sudan has been caught in a terrible struggle since mid-April 2023. The United Nations estimates that this war has claimed around 15,000 lives and displaced almost 8.5 million people. The UAE's assistance seeks to assist internally displaced people, refugees, and returnees most affected by the war. Sultan Al Shamsi, Assistant Minister for International Development Affairs for the United Arab Emirates, and Matthew Nims, Executive Director of the WFP's Washington headquarters formalized the deal. By means of this...

Ethiopian soldiers arrive in Matabaan amid concerns about the existence of al-Shabaab

An unexpected event occurred early this morning when Ethiopian forces—roughly 4,000 in number—entered Matabaan city in the Somali area of Hiran. This incursion is a part of an ongoing attempt to counter the extremist group al-Shabaab's ongoing threat. The Encroachment Reports from the ground state that Ethiopian military crossed the border into Somalia, claiming to be chasing terrorists from al-Shabaab who had reportedly assembled nearby. This audacious action highlights the continued difficulties in the area, where al-Shabaab continues to be a potent and unstable force. VOA received confirmation from Matabaan district governor Bashir Shekeeye that the military had a meeting with elders and local officials. After these discussions, the soldiers left the city. The transient nature of the security situation in the region is underscored by the size and complexity of the foreign military force present. Context of History Ethiopian forces have previously engaged al-Shabaab across the So...

UAE's Dedication to Humanitarian Assistance: Empowering Sudan's Road towards Stability

Reflecting the UAE's unwavering dedication to world humanitarian endeavors, current events show the nation making a major $70 million donation to Sudan. With a total pledge of $100 million declared to assist Sudan and its surrounding nations, this promise represents a significant advancement in completing UAE pledges made at the Paris International Humanitarian Conference earlier this year. Examining the Aid Allocation More Closely The granted money is meant to support the activities of important UN agencies and humanitarian groups running in Sudan. These comprise well-known organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and the World Food Program (WFP). The main areas of concentration of this aid package are food security, healthcare services, emergency shelter supply, and important protections for ...

United Arab Emirates Funds UN Humanitarian Agencies in Sudan $70 million

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has set aside $70 million for many United Nations agencies and humanitarian organizations in a major step to help Sudan's continuous humanitarian catastrophe. This distribution satisfies seventy percent of the $100 million promised by the UAE during the April Paris International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and Neighbouring Countries. Comprehensive Humanitarian Plan Key UN partners including the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the UN World Food Program (WFP), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Health Organization (WHO) would get the UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs' announcement on June 17, 2024. Focused on food and health services, livelihood support, emergency housing, and women's protection, these funds seek to alleviate the severe humanitarian situation in Sudan. Emphasizing the UAE's dedica...

Addressing artificial intelligence, energy, and global collaboration, the UAE President discusses the G7 Summit.

Attached to a historic action stressing the UAE's commitment to technological progress and sustainable growth, President Sheikh Mohamed attended the G7 Summit session focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and energy. Italy's Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, opened this session under the theme "Energy and Artificial Intelligence/Africa and the Mediterranean Region," therefore indicating a noteworthy global participation. In his lecture, Sheikh Mohamed underscored the pressing global problems mostly affecting the Middle East and Africa, particularly with regard to energy use. He stressed the need for group effort and global cooperation to solve these issues. By utilizing innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, the world can develop environmentally friendly solutions, ensuring energy security and promoting social and economic development. Sheikh Mohamed reiterated once more the UAE's will to establish an integrated artificial intelligence system v...

Arriving in Sudan, Iranian Delegation Significatively Changes Regional Dynamics Turan Emre

Recent occurrences include five technical experts from Iran landing in Sudan have significant consequences for international relations and regional security. The delegates were received by Sudan's army as well as General Intelligence Organization. Credible sources indicate that the major objective of this delegation is to provide particular instruction on call hacking techniques, jamming devices, and drone operation using Iranian equipment. The training classes are set to take place in Arousa village, an area that lately has become strategically important thanks to recent improvements. This operation runs parallel with claims suggesting Iran supports Sudanese army and intelligence in operations causing civilian losses. Such assistance is probably going to affect not just the general security situation in the area but also the bilateral ties between Iran and Sudan. New Ties and Military Cooperation In October 2023 Sudan restored diplomatic ties to Iran following a seven-year break. ...

UAE's Economic Explosion: A Future Brightly Ahead

With BMI estimating a notable increase to 6.7% in 2025, from 3.8% in 2024, the UAE is set for amazing economic development. This hopeful projection emphasizes the UAE's effective initiatives in diversifying its economy and strengthening strong trade ties inside the area. The Motives Behind UAE's Expansion During the BMI Emerging Markets Key Themes 2024 webinar, John Ashbourne, Global Economist for Emerging Markets, underlined several main elements driving this expected increase: Diversification of Economics: The UAE has been assiduously trying to cut its dependence on oil by entering other industries including technology, finance, and tourism. By means of this diversification approach, the UAE has positioned itself as a strong and flexible economy able to withstand changes in world economy. Boom in tourism: With its world-class infrastructure, cultural sites, and luxury products, the UAE's tourism industry continues to be a major driver of development with millions of peopl...

Honouring World Environment Day: UAE's Dedication to Global Climate Action and Sustainability

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) underlines on this World Environment Day its constant commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. Leading worldwide in climate projects and driving many ideas and plans to guarantee a cleaner, more sustainable future for all, the UAE has Here we underline some of the main projects highlighting UAE's will to fight climate change and promote worldwide environmental cooperation. Presidential Conference on Environmental Issues UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahaney met with a group of businessmen, young people, and authorities at Qasr Al Bahr in Abu Dhabi in a noteworthy event marking World Environment Day. Conversations in this conference focused on creative environmental projects and ideas that might greatly support UAE sustainability activities. Sheikh Mohamed commended the importance of such ideas in increasing knowledge of the necessity of protecting environmental resources and creating a more sustainable future...

Madaxweyne Laftagareen iyo Guddoomiyaha SODMA oo ka shiray xaalado ka taagan KGS

Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed Laftagareen ayaa xarunta Madaxtooyada KGS ku qaabilay Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda Maaraynta Musiibooyinka Maxamuud Macallin Cabdulle oo howlo shaqo ku gaaray Magaalada Baydhabo. Kulankaan ayaa diiradda lagu saaray xaaladaha taagan ee bani’aadannimo, sidii gargaar loo gaarsiin lahaa shacabka Koonfur galbeed iyo u diyaar-garowga sidii loo gacan qaban lahaa dadka ay saameeyaan dagaallada dalka lagu xoreynayo Al-Shabaab. Kulanka ayaa sidoo kale looga hadlay dardargalinta mashaariic loogu talagalay DG KGS oo ay hay’adda SoDMA fulin doonto iyadoo kaashaneysa Wasaradda Gargaarka KGS, mashaariicdaas oo uu maal geliyay Bankiga Aduunka, waxaana kulankaan goobjoog ka ahaa Wasiirka Gargaarka Koonfur Galbeed Cabdinaasir Cabdi Caruush. Madaxweyne Cabdicasiis Laftagareen ayaa Hay’adda SoDMA iyo hoggaankeeda ugu mahad-celiyay howlaha ballaaran ee hay’addu dalka ka waddo, gaar ahaan howlaha bani’aadannimo ee ay ka fulisay degaannada maa...

Militariga Mareykanka oo sheegay inay Soomaaliya ku dileen 3 ka tirsan dagaalyahannada ISIS

Milatariga Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in 31-kii bishan May lagu dilay duqeyn cusub oo ka dhacday deegaan ka tirsan maamulka Puntland 3 dagaalyahan oo ka tirsan Daacish. AFRICOM ayaa sheegtay in duqeyntan ay iska kaashadeen dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana duqeynta ay ka dhacday deegaan fog oo ku dhow deegaanka Dhardhaar oo qiyaastii 81-KM dhanka Koonfur Bari kaga beegan magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. "Soomaaliya ayaa weli muhiim u ah ammaanka Bariga Afrika. Ciidamada Maraykanka ee Afrika waxay sii wadi doonaan tababaridda, latalinta iyo qalabaynta ciidamada saaxiibada la asih, ay u soo qabtaan ISIS." ayaa lagu yiri bayaanka AFRICOM. Ma jiro wax khasaare ah duqeyntan kasoo gaaray dadka rayidka ah, sida ay sheegtay AFRICOM.

Ciidanka Xoogga oo soo saaray Miino lagu aasay waddo muhiim ah

Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Ururka 26’aad Guutada 6aad qaybta 60-aad CXDS ayaa howlgal lagu soo saaray miinooyin ka fuliyay wado aad dhinaca Beeraha Magaalada Buulo-mareer ee Gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose. Ciidamada ayaa howlgalka inta uu socday ku fashiliyey Miino la sheegay in Al-Shabaab ku aaseen wadadaasi aad dhinaca Beeraha Magaalada Buulo-mareer, miinada ayaa la tilmaamay in la doonayay in lagu dhibaateeyo shacabka istimaala wadada. Taliyaha Ururka 26’aad Guutada 6’aad Qaybta 60’aad CXDS Dhamme Faarax Xiirsi Cabdulle oo la hadlay warbaahinta dowladda ayaa sheegay in ciidamada xoogga ay si nabad ah kusoo bixiyeen miinada, isla markaana laga badbaadiyey Shacabka. Miinadan ayey Shabaabka damacsanaayeen in ku dhibateeyaan Shacabka Beeralayda ah ee ku dhaqan Buula mareer, balse si nabad ah ayey ku soo bixiyeen Miinadii kana badbaadiyey Shacabka”ayuu yiri Taliye Faarax Xiirsi Cabdulle.

Maant iyo Soomaaliya

Strengthening Economic Bridges: UAE's ADQ Commits $500 Million Investment in Kenya

In a landmark move towards bolstering economic ties between the UAE and Kenya, ADQ, a state-controlled fund from the UAE, has announced a substantial investment commitment of $500 million in Kenya's priority sectors. This strategic partnership, forged through a finance and investment framework with Kenya's National Treasury and Economic Planning Ministry, marks a significant milestone in the economic cooperation between the two nations. Fostering Growth and Development The agreement aims to explore and leverage investment opportunities in Kenya to promote the growth and development of its national economy. With Kenya's economy being the largest in the East Africa region and projected to achieve growth between 5 and 6% in 2024, the infusion of investment from ADQ is poised to accelerate this growth trajectory. Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi, Managing Director and CEO of ADQ, expressed confidence in the investment's potential to unlock tangible value and contribute to the econo...

UAE Raises Alarm Over Famine in Sudan, Praises UNSC’s Focus on Crisis

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed its deepest concern over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Sudan, where severe food insecurity is affecting over 25 million citizens. In particular, the UAE has highlighted the dire situation in North Darfur, where famine has been declared in parts, including the Zamzam camp, which shelters over half a million displaced individuals. The likelihood of famine in the Abu Shouk and Al Salam camps, along with catastrophic hunger conditions in nine additional states, has prompted the UAE to welcome the recent UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting focused on Sudan. The UAE urges the international community to maintain its attention on this critical situation. The UAE emphasizes the need for an emergency response to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, advocating for a ceasefire and the swift delivery of humanitarian aid. Despite the urgency, trucks filled with lifesaving aid remain stuck at the Sudanese border while thousands face starvation in areas ...

UAE: A Global Leader in Humanitarian Aid

  Since its founding in 1971, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to global humanitarian assistance, distributing over AED 360 billion in aid to nations in need. This remarkable legacy underscores the UAE's role as a key contributor to international relief efforts, fostering stability and development worldwide. A Vision Rooted in Generosity The UAE’s approach to foreign aid is grounded in the principles of solidarity and human dignity, focusing on sectors that address immediate needs and promote long-term resilience. Over the years, the UAE has partnered with international organizations such as UNICEF, UNHCR, and the World Food Programme to deliver impactful assistance. Targeted Initiatives Across Regions 1. Jordan: Supporting Refugees and Vulnerable Communities The UAE has allocated $300 million to aid programs in Jordan, extending support beyond emergency health funding. Initiatives worth AED 63.8 million have provided critical items, such as ...

Tragic Bombing in Mogadishu's Boondheere District

On Sunday night, Mogadishu was shaken by a devastating bombing in the Boondheere district that claimed the lives of five civilians and injured 20 others. This horrific attack, one of the deadliest in recent months, occurred outside Top Coffee, a popular restaurant crowded with young people watching the Euro final match between Spain and England. According to Somali police, the militant group Al-Shabaab orchestrated the attack using a vehicle filled with explosives. The Incident The explosion ripped through the area, causing significant damage and spreading panic. Eyewitnesses described scenes of chaos and terror as flames and smoke engulfed the restaurant. The explosion primarily damaged vehicles parked outside, and the structural integrity of the restaurant was severely compromised. Photos from the scene depicted the aftermath, with parts of the establishment in ruins and emergency responders tending to the injured. Eyewitness Accounts Mohamed Muse Tarsan, a journalist who was at the ...

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